Six Healing Sound Qi Gong

              The six healing sound qigong was found circa 250 A.D. during the Chin dynasty in China. The 

earliest record of the six healing sound qigong  was found in the book called "nourish  mind

and longevity record" which was written by Tao Hong Jing (581-681), a famous ancient  Chinese medicine

doctor, thinker. So the six healing sound qigong has at least 1400 years of history. This form of qigong uses 

sounds, breath and movements of the arms and some other body parts to improve energy(Qi) circulation.

          Each sound is associated with an internal organ system, an external sense organ and an emotion.

First Sound "Xu"-- Nourishes the Liver

Xu is related to the liver and gall bladder, its external sense organ is the eyes and its emotion is anger.

       When exhaling, read the word "Xu." (the two lips are slightly brought together,  the
tongue tip stretches forward with the lateral sides slightly curling toward the middle), at  the
same  time wide open the eyes and look inwardly at the hepatic region. Exhale completely
and  then inhale. Do 6 times totally.

Meditation directions

Second Sound

         When exhaling, conduct Qi by mind. The channel Qi of the Liver meridian  flows 

 Third Sound

upward from the acupuncture point Dadun (Great Mound) on the lateral portions of the big 

Fourth Sound

toes of the feet,  through the lower abdomen, linking the gallbladder and into the lung,  

Fifth Sound

upward to the throat, eyes, forehead, to the acupuncture point Baihui; links the Lung

Sixth Sound

Channel and flow downward to the acupuncture point Shaoshang (Young Shang,) on the
 inner portions of the thumbs of the hands.

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