Acupuncture Student Credit Program


Skill Relations

1. Relations of Movements and Breathing

2. Relations of Breathing and Meditations

3. Relations of Movements">

Acupuncture Student Credit Program


Skill Relations

1. Relations of Movements and Breathing

2. Relations of Breathing and Meditations

3. Relations of Movements, Breathing and Meditations


Core Skills

1. Movements

2. Breathing

2. Meditations











Qi Gong and Tai Chi Quan Forms

1. Six Healing Sound Qi Gong ( Movements, Breathing and Meditations)

2. Office Tai Chi Quan ( Movements and Breathing )

3. Wild Goose Qi Gong 1st 64 Form( Movements and Breathing)



Core Concepts

1.Qi Feeling

2. State of Qi

3. Qi Field

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