
Case Study- Client Mrs. A. – Qigong helps symptoms of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and side effects of treatment, as well as returning blood pressure to normal range.
Mrs. A is 53 years old and has studied with Mr. Tang for over a year. She has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which is dormant now, but she is exploring different things to help her. Her immunity is weakened and a friend recommended studying T’ai Chi with Mr. Tang. Also, while she was in a clinical trial at Jefferson, the art therapist recommended T’ai Chi.
While studying Wild Goose Qigong with Mr. Tang, she had a relapse and went into treatment for 5 weeks. Her blood pressure was very low at 57 and it was taken 3 times. She asked for a moment and she did some Qigong for about 5 minutes. Within that time her blood pressure normalized and no one at the clinic could believe how fast the blood pressure stabilized.
In general, she credits Qigong for making her feel stronger, with more stamina and energy.
She went in treatment for 6 weeks with a monoclonal antibody. It was strong medicine, like chemotherapy. She was supposed to take steroids with it to keep strong, but she took them just once. She was able to continue to work and mover around after treatment. She thinks the Qigong helped her maintain her energy.
She was hiking up a mountain (3K feet) and was in bad shape. She was running out of breath and she felt like she might quit, so she started doing some Qigong. She did Qigong breathing and walking. She was conscious of her stomach and got this energy surge. She caught up with her friends and she actually passed them. By focusing on her T’an Tien and breathing the Qigong style, she was able to continue. Mr. Tang told her that the mind has a lot of power.



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